Thursday, August 26, 2010

Are you Ready for the Time of Your Life?


Blog area = semi stream of consciousness depending on how rushed I feel/am. Feeling: rushed.

This is Janelle, writing from the lobby of the Kawagoe Dai Ichi Hotel! Made it here, safe and sound. A bit jet-lagged though cause I went to sleep at 9:30pm and woke up at 5am Japan time. ha ha, that never happens at home. Today we set foot on the Tokyo International University campus. Exciting. Read through the packet we were given yesterday, and it looks like finding shoes here might turn out to be a bit of a problem. Soba for dinner last night, oh, man, the air plane food was quite good.  Unfortunately no pictures of the actual food were taken because by the time i remembered my camera was in my pocket the food was half gone. No one wants to see half eaten food right? or so I thought, so i finished it and took a picture of that. The noodles were so good. There are a good number of other people from Hawaii in the program. Placement test is on Saturday along with meeting host family. ok, gotta go get my bags now. just wanted to make sure you all knew I made it to Japan safely.

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